How an Ancient Egyptian Sculpture Ended Up on a Scottish School Grounds

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A Scottish boy was digging for potatoes on the grounds of his school when he made a shocking discovery – an ancient Egyptian sculpture!

While the mystery of how it ended up there remains unsolved, one thing is for sure – it’s a remarkable find.


The boy, who remains unnamed, was digging in the school garden for a potato planting project when he came across the sculpture. He immediately notified his teacher, who then notified the authorities.

It turns out that the sculpture is a masterpiece from the Late Period of Ancient Egypt, which dates back to circa 664-332 BCE.


Experts believe that the sculpture is a representation of the goddess Isis and is one of a kind. It is made of bronze and is intricately detailed.

It was likely brought to Scotland in the 19th century when the British Empire was at its peak.

The only clues as to how the sculpture ended up on the school grounds are the words inscribed on the reverse of the sculpture.

It reads, ‘Erected in memory of a beloved teacher, James Jamieson’. While the mystery remains unsolved, it’s clear that the sculpture was a cherished memory of a beloved teacher.


This amazing discovery is a reminder of the wonders of the ancient world and the capacity for unexpected finds that can be made in the most unlikely places. Who knows what other treasures are still undiscovered?

It’s a story that will remain a mystery, but it has also unearthed a fascinating piece of history.
