
Be like the cat. Write for us.

One of the author’s of Relatively Interesting working hard.

Are you curious?  Do you have a passion for science and the natural world?  Do you consider yourself skeptical?  Do you like to argue (in the most polite way)?  Do you wish you could rid the world of scammers, hoaxes, quacks, and charlatans?

If you do, then we’d like to hear about it.

We’re looking for regular contributors to the site so that we can extend our reach and build our library of relatively interesting content.  Monthly contributions would be amazing.  Weekly contributions?  Ridiculously amazing.


The site’s had articles or references on Boing BoingBuzzfeed, ViralNova, Slashdot, Nerdist, and a host of social media channels, especially StumbleUpon.  You have the opportunity to contribute to the success of a site that’s growing fast.  Currently, we accept the odd guest post, but we’d love to see some of those contributions come in more regularly.

If you’re interested, check out our editorial policy and give us a shout with links to your previous work and any social media you’ve managed, and we’ll be sure to check it out.

Please note:  We get a lot of request for guest posts, so we can’t guarantee a response.  If your idea or post is selected, then we will definitely respond.  For a better chance of having your content published,make sure it meets the criteria in our editorial policy.  Currently, we do not accept sponsored posts.

What a wonderful opportunity – I’m in.  What’s next?

Give us a shout and email us at relatively.interesting AT g ma il. co  m .  Please provide samples of your previous work and give us an idea of your availability and why you’re interested.  We’ll go from there.

You never know, we might (possibly) make you somewhat “famous”.  
