25 GIFs that explain how things work

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Ever wonder how a zipper works, or how a crocodile can jump straight up out of the water, or how a dog can lap up water while standing up?  These are some of the most important questions facing humanity – no doubt.  Here are a collection of 25 animated GIFs that explain how things work…  from zippers to spiders; violins to plate tectonics; and braces to dandelions;  and more.

How a zipper works

How a zipper works


How the gladiator spider hunts

How the gladiator hunts


How a violin string makes sound

How a violin works


How the continents have moved over time

How plate tectonics created the continents


How a crocodile jumps out of the water

How a crocodile jumps out of the water


How a lock and key works

how a lock and key works


How an ant walks

how an ant walks


How a ladybug takes off and flies

How a ladybug takes off and flies


What happens when we swallow

What happens when we swallow


How a sewing machine works

How a sewing machine works

How camouflage can be applied to a helmet

how camouflage is applied to a helmet


How particles move on a wave in a liquid

How a point on a wave moves


How vines find support

How vines find support


What happens when a slinky is dropped

What happens when a slinky is dropped


How braces work over time

How braces work (timelapse)


How underwater cables are laid

How underwater cables are laid


How corn pops

How corn pops


How the Pythagorean theorem works

how the Pythagorean theorem works


How the face develops in the womb

how the face develops in the womb


How a dandelion grows

how a dandelion grows timelapse


How to visualize and explain the value of pi

how to vizualize and explain the value of pi


How a trumpet works

How a trumpet works


How a cheetah runs and uses its tail for stability

how a cheetah runs and uses its tail


How a dog drinks water

How a dog drinks water


How a debilitating fear of the ocean develops

How a sea monster catches its prey...



Sources:  Gifsforum.com; SenorGif.com; Dayleak.com; Gifbin.com; UltraSlo.com; Mental Floss; FreeYork.